Park Planning Committee

Statement of Purpose:
To assist and make recommendations to the City Council in planning and designing a city park.

On 9/27/23 the following committee members were sworn in for a 2-year term:
Committee Chair - Arrow Coyote
Committee Co-Chair- Mark Payne
Member-Lonna Bussert

Member-Carolyn Haven
Member-Jennifer Knox (resigned 04/2/2024)

City Council Liaison-Brian Buche
Staff Liaison-Tasha Enochs
Run The Dam (non-profit)-Kelly Buche

Park committee meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm at City Hall.
 URL to join meeting: JnWEtVclpwNENIZz09

Phone number to join meeting: (253) 215-8782   Password: 244007